Volunteering Canary Islands | Volunteering Tenerife

Volunteering Canary Islands

The Canary Islands are located about 250 KM west of Africa and are a popular tourist destination. Volunteering Canary Islands: There are many opportunities to volunteer, travel and save money in the Canary Islands with WorkAway, WWOOF and other exchange platforms.

The system of the exchange platforms is very similar: the volunteer provides his working time and know-how, the host offers free board and lodging in addition to a cultural exchange. In this way, the traveller reduces his costs, saves an expensive hotel stay and gets to know the country and its people in a completely different way.

Volunteering Canary Islands: There are many reasons

There are many reasons for a holiday or volunteering in the Canary Islands. Due to its special location and its year-round mild temperatures, Tenerife, for example, is also called the island of eternal spring. Especially those who want to avoid the cold winter months in Central Europe can reach the warm south in a flight time of less than 5 hours. The Canary Islands, especially Tenerife, Gran Canaria, La Gomera and last but not least El Hierro are also known as hikers’ paradises. On Tenerife it is possible within 2-3 hours to hike on the Teide, Spain’s highest mountain, and then spend a relaxing afternoon on one of the many beaches. The leisure value in the Canary Islands is very high.

Volunteering Canary Islands

Leisure in the Canaries

The Canary Islands usually have strange weather. Or better put, several weathers at once. Immer ist es irgendwo schön, und anderswo trübe, stauen sich auf der einen Seite dunkle Wolken vor schroffen Bergen, während die andere Inselseite in der Sonne schmort. Und mit dem Wetter wechseln die Eindrücke der Landschaft. Fast alle Inseln haben einen sonnenverbrannten Süden und einen grünen Norden. It’s always nice somewhere and cloudy elsewhere, dark clouds pile up in front of rugged mountains on one side, while the other side of the island stews in the sun. And the impressions of the landscape change with the weather. Almost all islands have a sun-baked south and a green north.

And so, during a voluntary service in the Canary Islands, you always have the full choice of which leisure activity you would like to pursue. You can hike in the green laurel forests, sunbathe on wild natural beaches, swim, sail, surf, kite or whatever your heart desires.

How expensive is life on the Canary Islands?

As a volunteer on the Canary Islands you are not interested in the cost of living, because the host takes care of your room and board. Nevertheless, it is interesting to know that the cost of living is on the cheaper side compared to other holiday destinations in Europe. If you would like to enjoy the local gastronomy as a volunteer, this is also possible with a manageable budget. Of course, the islands differ somewhat in their price levels, but as a rule of thumb, the less tourism, the cheaper the cost of living.

Ecological finca on Tenerife – permaculture and tropical food forest

Come and help us on our ecological finca on Tenerife. You will learn about permaculture, a tropical food forest and organic farming.

Every few weeks, several volunteers from all over the world support us for 4 weeks at a time. You will live with several volunteers in a small camp and will be provided for by our ecologically and sustainably managed finca.

Ideally, you have at least basic knowledge of gardening or a trade, are motivated and have an interest in the work of a volunteer.

Come and become part of a team.